MIT Microbial Products in Peppers Cultivation Test Report

MIT Microbial Product in Peppers Cultivation

Product Test: MIT PO-G, MIT PN-60L, MIT PP, MIT PI

Corps: Jalapeno Peppers, 30 plants for each group

Site and Location: Greenhouse at customer site, 71 Turut Track, Singapore 718931

Test period: June 2021 to September 2021

Environment condition: Outdoor

Growing media: 100% peat base with compost from Kiat Lee.


Evaluation Objective: Evaluation effect of microbial product in fruit yield increasing and quality improvement.

Results summary:

There is a significant increase in yield with microbial help compared with no microbes group.

With the aid of an MIT product, the plant saw early harvest, a longer time of output, and a higher rate of consumer acceptance.

Product application in details:

Test group: 

Group A: Control group, follow existing fertilization system 

Group B:  Fertilization system same as Group A, add MIT Microbe product,

Group C:  Fertilization system is 50% of Group A, add MIT Microbe product.

Stages of crops growing: 

Seeding and nursery stage: 28 June

Re-pot and transplant date: 28 July (After 30 days)


MIT Product


Growing bed preparation 

MIT POG, 50g/plants

Seeding and nursery

(from 28 June)



(from 28 July)


MIT Product


After transplanting

MIT PN-60L, MIT PP, 2g/plants




Start flowering

Flowering and harvest

MIT PN-60L, every 4 weeks


MIT PP, every 2 weeks,


MIT PI, 1 time




Growing stage photos

42 Days (Total)

56 Days (Total)

74 Days (Total)

Harvest Records

Photo of second round harvest on 2 August

Harvest on 8 August

Harvest on 5 September

Harvest on 13 September

Harvest on 1 October 

Harvest record in detail:

Date Group 1 (Control) Group 2 With MIT Product  Group 3 With MIT Product & reduce 50% fertilizer 
Wt(g) No. (piece) Wt(g) No. (piece) Wt(g) No. (piece)
26-Jul-21 0 0 23 2 123 9
2-Aug-21 140 12 371 31 720 55
8-Aug-21 240 16 468 29 775 53
14-Aug-21 98 7 112 8 115 8
15-Aug-21 447 34 335 26 572 41
22-Aug-21 1475 93 1550 104 1160 72
29-Aug-21 851 38 1250 85 1263 58
5-Sep-21 790 51 937 72 854 59
12-Sep-21 1173 78 884 68 1071 74
20-Sep-21 865 57 875 67 1000 69
26-Sep-21 290 30 400 38 566 46
Total Wt (g) 6369 416 7205 530 8219 544
Avg,  15.3 –  13.6  – 15.1  –

*Harvesting was done a total of 11 times throughout the test period.


From graph above shows that even use 50% fertilizer, but with help of microbes, it still can reach higher product yield in overall weight and fruit numbers.  It’s fully support microbes’ function and benefits brought to plant and soil. 

In this round test of corps chili production, with microbes help, the 50% fertilizer amount gives more effective results, and cost saving in overall growing management is achieve able

Other: Pest and diseases

It was observed that during the experiment, the plants in all 3 groups were affected by pests and diseases, major pests are thrips, mites and whiteflies. They lead curling leaves and severe to no longer growing of new branches, leaves and chilis, and in bad shapes and appearances.

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